Learning To Skateboard In A Warzone
Skateistan wins Best Documentary Oscar
Movie about Skateistan wins Oscar for Best Documentary.
And the Oscars go to…
Congratulation to Skateistan and Grain Media for winning this years Oscars for best documentary.
We are super stoked that the movie about Skateistan won the 2020 Oscars for best documentary. Oliver Perkovich, the founder of Skateistan, has done an incredible job in Kabul. We are very grateful that we can support the girls in all Skateistan projects since 2008 with helmets and protectors.
Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You’re a Girl), is a short documentary which follows the progress of a group of girls at Skateistan in Kabul. Filmed over the course of a year, Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone follows the girls as they progress both in the classroom and the skatepark. The navigate not only the challenges of their education but of the increasingly unstable world outside the walls of Skateistan.
The film focuses on how Skateistan acts as a heaven from the outside world for its students. Within the walls of Skateistan, the girls are free to express themselves, learn without fear and to allow their personalities to shine.
Learning to Skateboard In A Warzone
Oliver states about the movie: “ We see so many negative stories about Afghanistan and Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone is a story of real hope which can help to challenge perceptions. Here at Skateistan, we’re firm believers that when girls and women are empowered, they can achieve great things. That’s what is demonstrated so well in this film – the story of a group of girls who are defying expectations in Afghanistan, being told by an all-female film crew and getting the recognition it deserves.”
If you want to empower more girls like the ones in the film, please consider making a donation so they can continue their work.
When girls and women are empowered, they can achieve great things