Team rider visit

BMX stopover in Zurich

Daniel Wedemeijer is shredding some spots in Zurich




Daniel Wedemeijer came on a short BMX stopover with his family to Zurich. He spend two days discovering and shredding our hometown.


I. BMX stopover in Zurich

When Daniel Wedemeijer called and announced his visit in Zurich we organized a photographer friend and made sure Daniel could have a good time with some TSG team mates. 

Daniel tells you personally about his journey to Zurich during the Corona time.

it was great to catch up again

“The reason we came to Zurich all started in a different country. After 8 months of not competing, finally a Covid proof event was going to take place in Italy. While planning the trip we decided that we could visit the skatepark in Cadenazzo, Switzerland on the way home.

While looking at maps I came to the conclusion that Zurich was also on the way so it was easy to call another stop at TSG. After 6 years not visiting my TSG family it was great to catch up again.”


II. Shredding Skatepark Zurich

“The first day we had a session in the Zurich bowl. Which is an amazing bowl and I wish I had more time to ride it.”, states Daniel.

We invited local Alessio Tonoli and they met in Zurich’s skate park. Enjoy the photo story, commented by the riders themselves. 

Always fun to tweak a foot jam on a smooth quarter pipe.
Love the feeling of a little canjam in Zürich.

Good sesh with Daniel

Daniel is spreading his wings.
Wall Tap on a crazy bowl corner set-up.
And another angle of the same trick.
Alessio: Try to fly like a bird with a tuck nohand, got enaugh time to really stretch the arms, love it.
The beard got a little big on the 3 weeks road trip ending in beautiful Zurich. Full focus to get the hang 5 over the long box.
Alessio: Onefoot table over this hip feels way to good, glad to have rode this bowl with Daniel.
One of my favorite tricks to do is the flair. Such a great feeling to go upside down.

Daniel: “Sometimes you find the perfect set up for a trick. This hip below was for lookbacks.”

Alessio: This indian air scared me! But the feeling of landing it is way to good !thats why we do it.

Next to the bowl there was a huge pumptrack so I could finally take Mick for a ride and show him how to do it. 

Yep we were the parents standing in the middle of the pumptrack… and Mick having the time of his life on his bike.

III. Session at Skillspark

The next day Daniel met mountain biker and TSG team mate Lucas Huppert in the Skillspark in Winterthur. The mission of getting them both on the same shot was clear. Lucas states: “It‘s been quite a mission but after some try’s we had the perfect timing for the shot! Daniel is boosting the flair!!”

Daniel was super stoked to ride the Skillspark.

“I finally got the chance to ride Skillspark indoor park. At the end I spent two amazing days with TSG and hopefully soon again.”

Awesome session together with Lucas

Daniel with a Flair and Lucas with a Fufanu.

“Yep the word is out mtb and bmx doubles training has started for the Olympics… Oke maybe not haha.”, laughs Daniel.

Can’t be a good session without a fufanu.
360 Downside Tailwhip, Feels quite scary to be hanging over the bike in the air, but if you catch the pedals and ride it out it’s just the best feeling!
Clicking a turndown on the step up at Skillspark.
Table Top Air, Push as hard as you can and tweak in the table.

Awesome session together with Lucas on the step up.

All the tricks came out in 20 minutes

Slammed walls… sometimes scary but so fun to footjam.
TSG kept us both safe again! Time to check today’s work and videos.

Lucas enjoyed the session with Daniel: “It was cool to have Daniel in Town and see him shred my local Skatepark! Skateparks  aren’t really my terrain but I pushed myself with Daniel and even did some new tricks which made me stoked! It’s been a great day, that’s for sure!”

Thanks for the visit Daniel. Come back soon!


Read here how our riders are staying fit and happy in lockdown.