Alban Aubert
Mr. Project:
This man is full of crazy ideas
He calls the world his home and is always on the road. Catch him if you can anywhere in the mountains.
on the road
Chaumont, Switzerland
Years riding
Alban Aubert is “Mr Project”: this man is full of crazy ideas. “Freeriding on 5 continents in 2 weeks”? Check! “Riding 20 different spots, 20 lifts, 20 villages, 20 trails in one day”? Check! “Riding 50 bike parks in 50 days”? Check! “Downhilling 5 5000-metre volcanoes in 5 days”? Check! “World record in downhilling the biggest vertical drop (5078 m, Chimborazo, Ecuador)”? Check! Considering these extraordinary projects, it’s no wonder that the former coach of the Swiss downhill team has published more than 1000 pages in magazines worldwide. The Swiss Freeride mountainbiker has brought countless inspiring riding images from his travels to countries in Oceania, Europe, Asia, and South America – and we’re always excited to hear what his next project will be!