TSG / TSG World / Meet the team / Daniel Wedemeijer

Daniel Wedemeijer

the flying Dutchman

Daniel aka. the flying Dutchman is definitely the Netherlands finest export when it comes to BMX. He is well known for his technical stylish riding skills and being a genuinely nice guy.




Veldhoven, NL


040 BMX Park



Years riding

As Holland’s leading BMXer, Daniel is known as ‘The Flying Dutchman’, and it’s not hard to see why. Riding since the age of 14, Daniel has progressed through the ranks fast, making a name for himself by going bigger and being more fearless than the next guy… in a sport where everyone pushes the limits. This fearlessness, combined with a flair for showmanship, has seen Dan backflipping a canal in Amsterdam, touring with the Nitro Circus, and taking out multiple Best Trick contests.