Jose Cedano
from down south to the world
Santiago’s unique vibes and riding conditions shaped both his style and his mindset.
Zignal Park
Years riding
José Cedano was born in 1997, in Santiago de Chile. Ever since he learned to peddle he has strived to be a better rider and his unfaltering ambition has transformed him from local hero to international star. “I started riding at a young age for fun and to meet new friends”, he recalls. But he has always pushed it and it wasn’t long before he began competing in local BMX competitions. Santiago’s unique vibes and riding conditions shaped both his style and his mindset of learning control first and tricks second. The process has given him a distinctive, precise riding style that has marked him out from the rest. In 2016, José competed in his first pro comp, placing 7th in a field of Latin America’s best riders: “At the time, I thought of nothing else but BMX”, he says. A trip to California’s Woodward West BMX camp would prove a turning point in his ascent through the ranks, turning his motivation dial to the 11th notch. He pushed even harder while training at his local park Zignal Park in Chile, and worked on his riding and, more subtly, the finer etiquette of the BMX world – all with full success! José’s first international pro comp was in 2017 and in 2018 he made it to the finals of the Vans BMX Pro Cup, in Chile. He since took part in all FISE stops in 2018 and now has his sights set on qualifying for the 2020 Olympics, in Tokyo, Japan.