Lennox Zimmermann
My friends call me crazy
Young BMX rider Lennox Zimmermann tears apart transitions like a seasoned veteran. Stoked to have him on the team.
Lengerich, GER
Years riding
Lennox Zimmermann may be fresh into his teens but he tears apart transitions like a seasoned veteran. That’s perhaps because he already is one, having followed his brother onto two wheels age four and has never let go of the handles since, except perhaps for the odd bar spin or two. “Riding Bikes is the best thing in my life,” he states, between rolling out banger edits that’ll have you on the edge or your saddle and hitting rewind. “It's what I love to do and what I always want to do in my life.” It shows! Lennox has already bagged RedBull, Vans, TallOrder and YT Industries as sponsors and TSG is stoked to be kitting him out with the best bike protection we make to keep him riding harder for longer. “It's Super cool that such a nice brand is supporting me with such nice products and gear,” beams Lennox. His sports bag is packed with a selection of helmets for all occasions, from a freestyle Evolution Youth, to the Enduro Chatter and full-face Sentinel. While he keeps the rest of his bits intact wearing Temper A 2.0 knee and shin pads, Ankle Support 2.0, Chest Guard and TSG Bike Gloves. Safe in the knowledge that we’ve got him covered, Lennox doesn’t hold back when it comes to rolling on forward. According to Lennox, his riding buddies call him “crazy and fearless” but then he’s the one landing new bangers without thinking. Stoked to have you on the team Lennox. Keep those edits rolling!