Nicola Bolinger
Trading tricks for Gold
Nico shreds everything like a boss from pipe to slopestyle and big air and he does it all with a smile.
Zuoz, SUI
Corvatsch Park
Years riding
Nicola Bolinger has his crosshairs trained firmly on X Games gold and Olympic glory and is determined to share his love of freeskiing as far and wide as his skis take him. As you can imagine, with such determination come serious passion and you will be hard pressed to meet a shredder on his home turf of Corvatsch Park to ski who is as stoked on sending as Nicola – perhaps excluding his bro, Gian: “I just love to ski and every year I get more serious train harder and ride bigger competitions.” His commitment is paying dividends – just check out his Insta page for the pudding. As Nicola spins his way to the top, TSG are happy to flow him kit to stay safe and progress in: “Riding for TSG is like having a reliable partner on my adventures,” is how Nicola puts it. “Their equipment provides me with top-notch protection and the confidence to keep pushing my limits.” Keep those medals coming!