TSG / TSG World / Meet the team / Nicolas Huber

Nicolas Huber

Let me entertain you!

Nicolas is always up for a laugh and damn good at shredding.




Männedorf, Switzerland





Years riding

On the Nicolas’s Instagram description it reads, "let me entertain you”, but if you need proof of his intentions just slide on down his feed for an eyeful of snowboarding, surfing, wake, kiteboarding and plenty of fun and man nudity. Basically, TSG has included an entertainer to the team by taking on Nicolas; he’s always up for a laugh and damn good at shredding. Take for example his inclusion in the Swiss team, a trip to the 2018 Olympics and gold spots at European Cup events in 2019 and 2020. "Ever since I went to Freestyle.ch I wanted to become a pro Snowboarder,” says Nicolas. "It took a lot of effort, passion and will power but in the end my dream came true.” Check out the results of his efforts and passion on his Instagram handle @hubercop or follow Funky snowboard edits on Youtube. But remember don’t try this stuff at home: "Sometimes things don’t go to plan,” Nicolas reminds us, "which is when TSG saves my life.”