team rider

Introducing Alban Aubert

Joining the TSG Bike Apparel Team




Alban Aubert joins the TSG Bike Apparel team. Find out more about what he has been up to and and what his plans for the future are.


MARCH 4, 2021

Alban Aubert is special type of mountainbiker, using his two wheels to break world records, explore territories where other tires fear to tread, and in a former life coached the Swiss downhill bike team to heady heights.

Alban Aubert TSG

Lockdown may have clipped his wondering wings for a year but he’s still been stretching his legs in new adventures closer to home.

To find out more about what he’s been up to, his plans for the future and to quiz him about joining the TSG Apparel team we virtually put him under the spotlight for a Q&A.

First off Alban, you must be stoked to have signed up to the TSG Apparel squad?

It’s motivating to work with TSG

I think you’re right, and especially for three reasons: It’s interesting to be involved in the development of products for a Swiss company; Ruedi (the boss) is a really passionate person and that means a lot for me. And lastly, TSG is the fastest sponsor I have to produce prototypes. It’s motivating to work like that. 

Alban Aubert TSG

Stoked about joining the TSG Apparel team.

Can you tell us a little more about the bike apparel you are working on with TSG for S22? Apparently, its inspiration is your style of adventure and travel. 

Yes, I’m involved a lot with the creation on the line-up for S22. From the type of product that TSG needs, to the colours and also the choice of fabrics. The goal is to have something very technical but very stylish, ideal to wear when you’re biking and for lifestyle.

This summer Alban Aubert will ride with some of the following bike jerseys:

Sounds very cool. Now, even though lockdown has meant you have had to stay closer to home, you have still come up with some cool missions: The environmental hook to your 3 passes story is pretty cool; tell us a little more about that? 

The idea was to ride some hiking passes in the Alps and be able to charge the battery of the ebike with green energy. I found the Kesch hut which is powered by all the green energies, of water, solar and wind. This adventure was also interesting because it shows the way to other people to do the same. After this project, the hut is investing in new solar panels to welcome other ebikers. But we need to wait until 2022 to see if it will be technically possible. 

Alban Aubert TSG three passes

Alban on his three passes trip.

What do you think the future of ebikes is within the mountainbike enduro clan? 

Ebike will be the future or already is. We need to work on the recycling part of the battery, which is still a problem. What amazed me with the ebike, and that we also saw on my three passes story last year, is that you can also have fun pedalling up. Before ebikes, the peddling up section was just something you needed to do to reach the downhill. With ebikes you can have fun on the way up and on the way down, and you can pedal up sections that are impossible with a normal bike.

Alban Aubert TSG

Alban with his new e-mtb from his new sponsor Flyer.

Your second was Grimentz to St Moritz, staying over 1000m – did you solo that? And what sort of kit were you packing for that mission? 

I did this project with my girlfriend, Julia. I love the feeling of being in nature with your bike and totally free and normal bikes, rather than ebikes, give you that freedom. Expect for the food – we bought food every 2 days – we were self-sufficient with our tent, sleeping bag, stove and all the rest of the material you need for such a trip. It was a 10 days trip in the Swiss Alps with 2 sections in Italy, with the goal was to stay above 1000 meters. And we did it except once.

Alban Aubert TSG

Descent towards Septimerpass and sunrise near Grächen.

Alban Aubert TSG

Looking back at your records and challenges is there one which stands out from the rest and why? 

Probably the first one, the longest downhill ever – 5078 meters down the slopes of the volcano Chimborazo, in Ecuador. It’s interesting because it’s still the longest downhill ride in the world on singe trails and I learned a lot during this adventure. My biggest lesson was probably not to listen to all the people that tell you that your project is impossible.

At that time I was a Swiss guy living in Ecuador and a lot of locals told me that the downhill was not possible and that it could be dangerous. But I did a lot of scouting and searching on physical maps and I did it. Good preparation is the key for such projects and also in life in general, I think.

Alban Aubert TSG

Alban in Ecuador on the world longest single trail downhill. He starts at 5150m. The 2nd photo was taken at 4200m with thew Chimborazo in the back.

Alban Aubert TSG

And looking-back, how did you make the leap from coach to adventurer? What facilitated this move?  ​

For me, I never did a leap from coach to adventurer. They are a little bit the same. I like to try and experiment with new things and not to do the same thing all the time. For example, when I was coaching the Swiss DH team, I was already travelling.

In 2004, Seb and I weren’t able to be at the DH Swiss Championship because we planned a trip to Whistler and nobody told us if it was a good or bad idea to cross the world to spend 2 weeks in the same place, riding the same bike park! It’s now clear you NEED to go to Whistler as a MTB rider. Even now I’m continuing to coach for some sponsors at camps, press camps and dealer events. I’m just more concentrated on adventures because I have more time.

Alban Aubert TSG

So now you’re on the apparel team is there any bits of TSG kit that you won’t be leaving out of your pack on your next mission? 

One product which is technical for riding and stylish for lifestyle is the TSG Insulation Jacket. I love it!

And where is that post lockdown trip going to take you? 

Good question, and to be honest, I have no idea! I’m working on three projects: One in Africa, one in Asia, and the last one in the Swiss Alps. But when I look at the actual situation, the trip will probably take me in the Swiss Alps.

Alban Aubert TSG

What will the next trip look like?

Alban Aubert TSG

Follow Alban Aubert on his next trips and visit his website

And check out Alban’s TEAM RIDER PROFILE

Alban Aubert with his dog

Whenever possible Alban’s dog Manchas joins him on his bike trips.


straight outta Berlin

BMX beyond your daily routine

Lara Lessmann presents her new video




Away from the usual! In this video TSG BMX rider Lara Lessmann shreds on new terrain.


FEBRUARY 1, 2021

BMX beyond your daily routine

Lara Lessmann is a BMX Freestyle athlete in the German national squad and therefore she focuses mainly on training for international competitions and recently especially for the Olympic Games.

Lara Lessmann bmx beyond your daily routine

Lookback Transfer in perfection.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the therefore cancelled contests there were some changes and challenges for Lara this year. After the Simple Session in February there were no more international contests on the calendar and at the latest with the official postponement of the Tokyo Olympics, for which Lara was already qualified, it was clear that this year would bring a completely different character.

Get out of the daily routine

The extra time and travel restrictions forced her to get creative and look around for new challenges in her adopted home Berlin. No sooner said than done, Lara packed up her homies and Mellowpark locals Daniel Tünte and Mati Echeverria to ride three skateparks in Berlin’s surroundings together. Get out of the daily routine, away from the usual ramps, discover new things, have fun and enjoy BMX riding. That was the motto.

bmx Lara lessmann

Lara with her homies Daniel Tünte and Mati Echeverria.

To capture the good vibes of the group, Lara had asked ATAB (All Tricks Are Beautiful) filmer Raph Jeroma-Williams, who was keen on capturing the action with his VX and Super-8 cameras in classic BMX style.

Check out Laras Team profile!

Lara rides with

Back to all TSG stories and news

Team rider visit

BMX stopover in Zurich

Daniel Wedemeijer is shredding some spots in Zurich




Daniel Wedemeijer came on a short BMX stopover with his family to Zurich. He spend two days discovering and shredding our hometown.


I. BMX stopover in Zurich

When Daniel Wedemeijer called and announced his visit in Zurich we organized a photographer friend and made sure Daniel could have a good time with some TSG team mates. 

Daniel tells you personally about his journey to Zurich during the Corona time.

it was great to catch up again

“The reason we came to Zurich all started in a different country. After 8 months of not competing, finally a Covid proof event was going to take place in Italy. While planning the trip we decided that we could visit the skatepark in Cadenazzo, Switzerland on the way home.

While looking at maps I came to the conclusion that Zurich was also on the way so it was easy to call another stop at TSG. After 6 years not visiting my TSG family it was great to catch up again.”


II. Shredding Skatepark Zurich

“The first day we had a session in the Zurich bowl. Which is an amazing bowl and I wish I had more time to ride it.”, states Daniel.

We invited local Alessio Tonoli and they met in Zurich’s skate park. Enjoy the photo story, commented by the riders themselves. 

Bmx stopover in zurich Daniel Wedemeijer

Always fun to tweak a foot jam on a smooth quarter pipe.

Bmx skatepark zurich Alessio tonoli

Love the feeling of a little canjam in Zürich.

Alessio Tonoli TSG BMX rider

Good sesh with Daniel

Skatepark Zurich bmx Daniel Wedemeijer
Skatepark Zurich bmx Daniel Wedemeijer

Daniel is spreading his wings.

Skatepark zurich Daniel Wedemeijer bmx

Wall Tap on a crazy bowl corner set-up.

Skatepark zurich bmx Daniel Wedemeijer

And another angle of the same trick.

Alessio Tonoli BMX skatepark Zurich

Alessio: Try to fly like a bird with a tuck nohand, got enaugh time to really stretch the arms, love it.

Daniel Wedemeijer TSG BMX rider portrait
Zurich skatepark bmx Daniel Wedemeijer TSG

The beard got a little big on the 3 weeks road trip ending in beautiful Zurich. Full focus to get the hang 5 over the long box.

Alessio Tonoli BMX Skatepark Zurich

Alessio: Onefoot table over this hip feels way to good, glad to have rode this bowl with Daniel.

Flair by Daniel Wedemeijer in Skatepark Zurich

One of my favorite tricks to do is the flair. Such a great feeling to go upside down.

Daniel: “Sometimes you find the perfect set up for a trick. This hip below was for lookbacks.”

bm Stopover in Zurich Daniel Wedemeijer
Indian Air by Alessio Tonoli in skatepark zurich

Alessio: This indian air scared me! But the feeling of landing it is way to good !thats why we do it.

Next to the bowl there was a huge pumptrack so I could finally take Mick for a ride and show him how to do it. 

Daniel Wedemeijer family pumptrack
Daniel Wedemeijer family pumptrack

Yep we were the parents standing in the middle of the pumptrack… and Mick having the time of his life on his bike.


III. Session at Skillspark

The next day Daniel met mountain biker and TSG team mate Lucas Huppert in the Skillspark in Winterthur. The mission of getting them both on the same shot was clear. Lucas states: “It‘s been quite a mission but after some try’s we had the perfect timing for the shot! Daniel is boosting the flair!!”

Daniel was super stoked to ride the Skillspark.

“I finally got the chance to ride Skillspark indoor park. At the end I spent two amazing days with TSG and hopefully soon again.”

Awesome session together with Lucas

skillspark bmx and mtb session with Daniel Wedemeijer and Lucas Huppert

Daniel with a Flair and Lucas with a Fufanu.

“Yep the word is out mtb and bmx doubles training has started for the Olympics… Oke maybe not haha.”, laughs Daniel.

fufanu bmx daniel Wedemeijer Skillspark

Can’t be a good session without a fufanu.

bmx stopover in Zurich Daniel Wedemeijer

Lucas Huppert Skillspark 360 Downside Tailwhip

360 Downside Tailwhip, Feels quite scary to be hanging over the bike in the air, but if you catch the pedals and ride it out it’s just the best feeling!

Daniel Wedemeijer clicking a turndown on the step up at Skills park

Clicking a turndown on the step up at Skillspark.

table top air with Lucas Huppert at skillspark

Table Top Air, Push as hard as you can and tweak in the table.

Awesome session together with Lucas on the step up.

All the tricks came out in 20 minutes

Daniel Wedemeijer bmx skillspark step up
Footjam by Daniel Wedemeijer bmx skillspark

Slammed walls… sometimes scary but so fun to footjam.

Daniel Wedemeijer and Lucas Huppert TSG team

TSG kept us both safe again! Time to check today’s work and videos.

Lucas enjoyed the session with Daniel: “It was cool to have Daniel in Town and see him shred my local Skatepark! Skateparks  aren’t really my terrain but I pushed myself with Daniel and even did some new tricks which made me stoked! It’s been a great day, that’s for sure!”

Thanks for the visit Daniel. Come back soon!


Read here how our riders are staying fit and happy in lockdown.

video release

The world of TSG

three decades of shredding safe





Discover the world of TSG: Where do we came from and who are we today.

New video release 

Discover the world of TSG: Where we came from, who we are today and how we’re taking protective gear to the next level in the future. This epic clip kicks off in ’88 with footage from our archives and rides full-throttle through three decades of shredding safe on the limits of action sports. Designed by riders for riders since 1988. Enjoy our new video!


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The World of TSG in print

We went to the basement for you and opened our print archive. We rummaged through three decades of TSG and captured a few gems for eternity.

TSG posters Tony Hawk

Some old posters and catalogs and the Tony Hawk pro model helmet from 1999.

TSG Helmet signed by Tony Hawk

Thanks TSG!

This is the TSG helmet that Tony Hawk signed in 1999 and sended back to us to thank us for keeping him safe. The Birdman tested its quality in a very odd way when he landed on his head doing a loop. The film crew expected him to be in a coma, but Tony was fine.

old TSG print advert skateboarder Sascha Müller

More old stuff from 1999.

See all these cool company logo helmet models. We had cooperations going on with most of the skateboard brands.

the world of TSG

This campaign dates back from 2005.

Read more about our history

or watch the new clip again on youtube:


How to

Get ready for winter and split

Tips for Splitboarding






Splitboarding is the perfect solution to a socially distanced winter. So skin up, layers on, sticks out and go hike for some solitude and fresh lines.

by DANNY BURROWS – Gigi Rüf’s photos by TOM KINGSNORTH

TSG pro riders Gigi Ruef and Lea Jugovac have already been out splitboarding for early freshies and here share their wisdom on the best way to escape the lift lines and resort lockdowns.

Gigi Ruef snowboarding powspray smile

Splitboarding brings you to untouched off-piste snow. Nice pow spray and big smile from Gigi!


Legend has it that in 1991 Brett “cowboy” Kobernik showed up at Voile with a prototype splitboard and ever since snowboarders have been sliding into the backcountry under their own steam in search of virgin snow. It has had some very famous proponents over the years, including the likes of Jeremy Jones and Travis Rice, but this year over all others it will come into its own.

splitboarding gets you places that lifts can’t.

“Splitboarding gives you opportunity to reach places on the mountain that are not on the usual slopes,” says Lea who is a recent convert to splitboarding. “You get time to enjoy every bit of nature while going up and the best of the snow on the way down.”

Splitboarding Lea Jugovac

Lea enjoys the calm of a splitboarding tour.

A splitboard is a board that splits down the middle to make a pair of fat hiking skis. To ascend on these an adventurous rider sticks skins to the base, which have a similar makeup to sharkskin – smooth in one direction to slide forward and rough in the other for climbing traction.

Make sure that you don’t get your skins stuck together.

“Make sure you don’t get your skins stuck together though,” advises Gigi. “And always clean the snow off the base and skins before you stick them on.” Otherwise you’re likely to lose them on the way up.

Putting on skins on a splitboard

Gigi is putting on the skins on his splitboard.

Splitboard bindings are similar to regular bindings but act as a lock and stiffener when the board is assembled. In ski mode the bindings attach to each plank via a front pin that allows the foot to pivot for easy hiking.

Preparing your splitboard to ride down

Lea Jugovac prepares for the ride down and puts the bindings on her splitboard.

II. Get Familiar with your Gear

Both Gigi and Lea stress that it is essential to grips with your gear before heading out on the hill: “It is easier to learn how to adjust your equipment in the warmth of your home,” says Lea, “but not so easy on the top of the mountain.”

Other bits of essential hardwear are collapsible poles, which can be stashed in a backpack on descents and all the regular snowboard gear that you would usually wear when winter riding. “Dress smart,” adds Lea. “It is best to dress in layers so you can regulate your temperature.” The layering system is comprised of a thermal base layer, windproof and warm second layer and a breathable and waterproof shell.

Lea Jugovac with Splitboard

It is best to dress in layers so you can regulate your temperature.

Gigi Ruef

As you are heading out into the wilds it is imperative that you go with friends, carry avalanche gear, including peeps, poles and a shovel and know how to use them in an emergency. Lea also suggests packing “snacks, water and dry layers and gloves.”

Lea also never rides without her TSG Fly Helmet: “It is so light that you don’t even feel it in your backpack while skinning up,” she claims. It only weight 350g and with a solid outer shell provides ultimate protection. She also packs some extra lenses for her Goggle Four S so she’s prepared for any light conditions the mountain might throw at her – the magnetic lock system makes it easy to swop out lenses even in gloves.

Shop Lea’s Gear


In short splitboarding gets you places that lifts can’t. “It’s the perfect social distancing option,” Lea teases. If you want to get away from the crowds and find new lines with friends then splitboarding is the way to go. “Splitboarding is always a special experience,” chimes in Gigi who is an old hand at hiking and riding. “It’s all about slowing down, being self-sufficient, making your own plans, and getting some exercise and sneaky fresh tracks.”

Gig Ruef's Splitboarding Gear

Gigi among all his gear.

Gigi rocks the TSG Insulation Jacket, a Back Protector, TSG Facemask and like Lea the super light Fly Helmet.

“Splitboarding is a really calming activity for me,” says Lea. “You appreciate riding more because you came up by foot and not with a chairlift and you can reach places that are otherwise not accessible.

cornice slash Gigi Ruef

Slashing on some untouched terrain.

Make your break from the crowds this winter and go splitboarding. It is snowboarding as Brett “cowboy” Kobernik meant it to be!

Recommended TSG Gear for Splitboarding

Looking for a Splitboard?

Check out Gigi Ruef’s snowboard brand SLASH by Gigi Rüf


new product

Goggle Four

Our all-new favourite goggle





The brand new Goggle Four is TSG’s latest and greatest contribution to surround vision on the mountain with magnetic lens change system.

Say hello to our brand new Goggle Four and Four S! These amazing supersized goggles, for riders with small to large faces, are equipped with an oversized, distortion-free cylindrical dual-lens that is both anti-fog and anti-scratch treated.

Nick Pünter TSG Goggle Four Fly Snowboard Helmet

Nick Pünter likes the lowchecker design.

TSG Fly Helmet and Goggle Four

The frameless design is one of our team rider’s favourite.


My choice, because the Four fits super nice and the lens can be swopped in seconds.

Michael Schärer, Snowboarder


This lens can be swopped out with the flip of a thumb – even with gloves on – thanks to our magnetic locking system and an easy-grip changing tab.

TSG Goggle Four Magnetic Lens

The magnetic locking system makes it easy to change your lens.

And we even supply a bonus bad weather lens and microfiber goggle bag to keep ‘em in.

Both goggles are also graced with a conformable TPU frame, backed by ergonomic triple-layer face foam for superior comfort, and kept in place with a non-slip 40mm silicone strap.

The larger version fits best from medium to large faces. The small version fits best with small to medium faces.

I love the GOGGLE FOUR for its combination of minimal design and maximum functionality

Markus Keller, TSG Pro Team Snowboarder


TSG Gravity Helmet and Goggle Four

Fits perfect with most of our helmets.

TSG Gravity Helmet and Goggle Four

  • Magnetic lens change 

  • Supreme field of vision

  • Frameless design

  • Cylindrical dual-lens with anti-fog inner lens and anti-scratch treatment

  • Frame vent ports

  • Comes with 2 lenses (for sunny and bad weather conditions)


Goggle Four fits best with these helmet models

Shop it

Goggle Four S fits best with the following helmets

Shop it

Explore all TSG Goggles

Skateistan Campaign

It’s her turn

The power of girls and women inspiring each other




Around the world and in many aspects of life, girls are second in line. That’s about to change. Skateistan aims to support girls to build a better future in which they can thrive. And TSG supports Skateistan! Want to become a supporter too?

I. It’s her turn

Skateistan’s new campaign is called IT’S HER TURN. It focuses on girls’ empowerment and the importance of female role models for girls and young women. A host of prominent women skateboarders supports this campaign. They have contributed to the campaign’s short film (watch below) as well as donating photographs of female skaters to showcase the power of women supporting other women. 

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Half of Skateistan students are girls

Skateistan runs programs in its 5 locations around the world (Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif and Bamyan in Afghanistan, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Johannesburg, South Africa) and focuses on providing safe spaces for girls, who are often excluded from sports and educational activities. So around half of Skateistan students are girls and all Skate Schools have female General Managers. They provide role models for young girls who might otherwise be limited in their expectations. Because of Skateistan, the highest concentration of female skateboarders in the world can be found in northern Afghanistan.

skateistan skateboarding girl

Girls in Mazar-e-Sharif and Bamyan in Afghanistan

skateistan skateboarding girl

II. Skateistan empowers girls 

“All around the world, girls are restricted in many aspects of their lives. It’s often assumed that girls are less interested in sports. But this is often simply that they don’t realize their own potential because of lack of role models, encouragement or access to safe spaces. At Skateistan, we want to challenge that idea and show girls that they can be whatever they want to be.”, says Claire Dugan, Deputy Executive Director at Skateistan. 

Therefore, Skateistan provides a safe environment where girls can skate, learn and express themselves. In addition, female leaders and educators can show girls that it’s possible to achieve their dreams. 

It’s Her Turn aims to raise $75,000 and will run until the end of July. The campaign will benefit Skateistan students in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa. Around the world, Skateistan has around 2,500 active students, half of whom are girls.

Donate to Skateistan today to give girls a space where they’re supported, encouraged and celebrated. And most importantly, to give them the tools to lead the next generation.

skateistan skateboarding girl

This girl in South Africa is about to drop in.

III. What your support can achieve

$5 can pay for the transport costs of a girl in Mazar-e Sharif to travel safely to and from the Skate School for two weeks.

$30 can provide a session of our peer mentorship program in South Africa, ‘This Girl Can’, where girls come together in a protected space to share support and guidance.

$50 can pay for the additional monthly phone costs for staff in Kabul to stay connected with our female students during Covid19 and ensure they can keep progressing from home.

$120 can pay for a young girl who has been displaced by conflict to attend three weeks of the Back-to-School program in Afghanistan, including transport, a healthy meal and learning supplies.

Learn more here:



TSG Team Rides out the Lockdown

Views on the Olympic Games postponement



Read the TSG riders views on the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and how they are staying fit and happy in lockdown. 


I. Postponement of the Summer Olympics

On March 6, with a quarter of the world in quarantine, the IOC reluctantly announced the postponement of the summer Olympics, for the first time in the Game’s 124-year history.

When things get this serious, sport comes in second to life

With a heavy heart, Shinzo Abe, the PM of the host nation, promised that the Tokyo Games would take place “no later than next summer,” and a generation of Olympic hopefuls, including a bunch of TSG team riders, let off the gas of peak performance and settled into lockdown.

“When things get this serious, I think sport comes in second to life.”  Renton Millar, professional vert skater, legendary TSG team rider and an official on the organisational side of Olympic qualifying events.

skateboarder in the air tsg team rider Renton Millar

The Australian Olympic Skateboard Team could not get a better coach than Renton Millar. He still sends it!

The unravelling of this leviathan of a sporting event, described as a union of 28 world championships, began in January as boxing and women’s Olympic football, in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, were cancelled or relocated. And over the next two months sickness, cancellations and lockdowns ploughed furrows through level playing field of competition, a pillar of the Olympic ethos.

II. It was a no brainer to postpone

For many of the athletes and associations postponement was really the only option from the very start of the pandemic: “It was a no brainer to postpone,” says Juergen Horrwarths, who skated for many years on the TSG pro team and is now the official coach to the German Olympic skate team. “Some national teams had already declared not taking part and I suppose we would have done the same…”

Juergen Horrwarth portrait men with helmet

Jürgen Horrwarth coaches the german skateboard team

Canada, Australia and Norway were the first countries to withdraw their teams and after a survey of national athletes, the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee joined them: A statement on the TeamUSA website read: “Our most important conclusion from this broad athlete response is that even if the current significant health concerns could be alleviated by late summer, the enormous disruptions to the training environment, doping controls and qualification process can’t be overcome in a satisfactory manner.”

III. The importance of the public

One suggestion being batted around the marble corridors of the IOC was that the Games could be run without spectators but this, according to many athletes, would have diminished the experience of the Games and also the potential performance of athletes.

the crowd atmosphere is the biggest motivator

“In my experience the crowd atmosphere is the biggest buzz in skating contests and the biggest motivator for you to skate outside your comfort zone,” says Renton Millar, who has plenty of experience putting down tricks in packed arenas. “I would assume the roar of the crowd at the first Olympic skateboarding event would be something that would be remembered for a long time.” This is an opinion shared by BMX champion and French Olympic hopeful, Anthony Jeanjean: “When there are spectators the atmosphere pushes us to excel and exceed our limits. Without (them) the events are not the same.”

Anthony Jeanjean at Fise Wolrd Montpellier 2019

Anthony Jeanjean is convinced that the crowd is a huge motivator. photo: FISE

IV. How to stay fit during lockdown

Officially in lockdown and with a year’s reprieve from the heat of the Olympic flame athletes could ease off the gas yet would still have to keep up a professional level of fitness under the “stay at home” restrictions. TSG team rider and vert skater Jono Schwan began channelling his energy into his home gym and flatland tricks: “With pretty much everything closed, fitness and training has had to change up a bit,” he says with a laugh. “Most of the exercises we are doing at home are just calisthenics and weights but to try to keep on the board I’ve just been doing stationary tricks indoors. It’s not the same as a skatepark,” he adds wryly, “but a fun new challenge!”

tsg team rider skateboarder jono schwan upside down

Jono Schwan is not going to the Olympic Games, but like all other athletes he is affected by the lockdown and has to find new ways to stay fit, as skate parks are currently closed.

For other athletes the lockdown provided a welcome and unexpected rest. “At some point I‘m actually happy about the situation,” jokes TSG mountain bike team rider Lucas Huppert, who has been staying “fit and strong” doing home workouts, running and enduro rides. “I‘m having my first holiday of more than three days at home in four years and it’s meant I can finally find some time to relax.”

Lucas Huppert mountain bike TSG team rider

Lucas Huppert back in the days in Canada, when travelling was as normal as washing your hands. Photo: Dominik Bosshard

V. Outlook to 2021

In the end we are all in this together and all we can do is stay home, stay fit and protect key workers and health services. Sports events like the Olympics will be back bigger and better before “the fat lady sings” and as German freestyle BMX prodigy and TSG team rider Lara Lessmann suggests, “many athlete will be even better in 2021 than 2020”. Renton Millar is also optimistic about the future games: “Hopefully by the time of the 2021 Olympics the whole world is well, truly ahead of this situation and the event will be a big celebration of life.”

TSG must have product bmx Lara Lessmann TSG Evolution Helmet clear white

Lara Lessmann is prepared for 2021. Photo: Kira Eilenna

In the meantime, Juergen Horrwarths advice is to “keep calm and keep up the spirit of sports by challenging yourself with different physical and mental exercises. Keep things fun, stay positive in your thoughts, be aware and responsible and above all, always try to be grateful for life!”

“See you in the park, on the mountain and on the trails, when the time is right,” says TSG’s CEO Ruedi Herger. “And in the meantime, stay safe!”

Read interview with Anthony Jeanjean about the lockdown and the postponement of the games 

Team rider video


A film about changing priorities




Amir Kabbani is one of Germany’s best freeride mountain bikers and on TSG since ages. Now comes a film about his biking career.

Watch video now

I. Kabbani

Amir Kabbani is one of the best freeride mountain bikers in Germany and riding for and with TSG since more than a decade.

mountain bike rider with TSG Full Face Helmet

Always focused!

Amir made his first appearance at the District Ride 2006 in Nuremberg. At that time he was 17 years old. Later he was up front at the FMB World Tour, doing the most radical tricks of this time. Everything was going great until a serious accident threw him to the ground. Amir’s body recovered quickly, but something in his mind changed…

It’s about being in that moment 

Along with Lukas Tielke, with whom Amir has worked successfully in the past, he has filmed a video about himself . This film gives special insights into his life and the process of facing and embracing change. It’s not about regretting – it is about honesty and growth.

Amir Kabbani mountain bike rider

Besides riding, building trails and jumps in the wood is Amir’s second passion.

„Its been a true process putting this film together with my old friend Lukas Tielke. After not working together for 6 years, it just felt like it’s time to create something unique and different. Over the years we both kinda moved on with things and mainly tried to showcase this. Can’t wait to show what we came up with.“, states Amir Kabbani.

Enjoy the video:

II. Kabbani Style

Get Amir’s style & protection


TSG saved my life

Thank you TSG

Gerd’s story




TSG team rider Gerd Skant tells his story about how TSG saved his life.

Story and photos by GERD SKANT

Thank you TSG

I was riding my local trails in Graz in Austria with my buddy and TSG ambassador Cri Meierhofer.

Seconds later I was lying on the ground

I know these trails by heart and we just had an easy run. Suddenly my front tire slipped and seconds later I was lying on the ground. I really don’t remember what had happened. It was not a technical section or anything special, it happened just our of the blue.

Mountain biker Gerd Skant on a trail in the wood

My local trails

Mountain biker Gerd Skant on a trail in the wood

Cri told me that I fell over the bar and my head crashed into a tree. Luckily I was wearing my TSG Scope helmet and I walked away without any serious injury.

Thank you TSG!


TSG saved my life broken helmet

Big dent in my helmet, not at my head.

TSG saved my life broken helmet

Always remember to replace your helmet after a crash with impact and do not use it any longer. Your helmet absorbs the impact energy by partial destruction of the EPS foam of the inner shell, this might not be visible.

Follow Gerd Skant on Instagram.

Gerd rides with our TSG Scope helmet:

Read more TSG saved my life stories