new team rider

Marc Diekmann joins TSG

MTB freestyler and Ridegang founding member



TSG and the 24-year-old German freestyler mountainbiker Marc Diekmann make their mutual admiration official as Marc joins the TSG global bike team!

All-round amazing Marc

“Marc is one of those all-round amazing riders and good guys you just want in your crew,” says TSG’s CEO Ruedi Herger. “He loves to ride and goes hard whatever the terrain!” No matter the bike frame and from stair sets to freeride trails Marc is certainly a force to be reckoned with!

Marc grew up burning around the woods of his local hood Melle, in Germany, on a road bike but quickly racked up airtime and an enviable trick list when he moved on to a BMX and then a mountain bike.

I`ve been using TSG products ever since I started riding

Him and his crew, the Ridegang, have since earned themselves an emperors share of fans on youtube, with their constant flow of credible bike porn and trickery pulling in the clicks, which Marc backs up with some serious hunger on the contest circuit.

Marc Diekmann TSG MTB team rider

Staying safe with TSG

He put himself on the benches last season after separating his shoulder but with a some serious gym time and determination he is back in the saddle and riding harder than ever – TSG will be keeping him safe in all the latest TSG protective gear.

“I`ve been using TSG products ever since I started riding” says Marc. “And I am super glad to now be on this Team!”

Marc is repping the Kraken and Advance Fullface Helmet, depending on what and where he’s riding. He also sports the Crash Pants, Task Knee Pads and BMX Shinpads and even slips on ankle guards when he’s on the jump bike. 

Marc Diekmann TSG MTB team rider

Big plans for 2020

Marc has got big plans for 2020, including a bunch of trips, loads of cool video edits on Ridegang and getting bank-rolls by the bundle stuffed in his bag of tricks. And, word on the street, or at least the single track, is that he wants to go huge in the “big mountain freeride scene”. Judging from his already handsome skill set he is bound to succeed.

TSG are stoked to have him on the team. Stay tuned for all the latest news on Marc and much much more on

Check out Marc’s rider profile.

Marc Diekmann TSG MTB team rider

Learn more about Marc’s gear

Team Rider Q & A

Jason Watts

The Goofy-footed Wonder from Down Under



Meet the latest addition to the TSG’s biker team, the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup overall winner, Jason Watts.


Born in Brisbane, Western Australia, Jason was always going to be a shredder of some persuasion. It was an off-the-cuff roll-by of his local dirt jumps that changed him from four wheels to two.

Read on and find out more about TSG’s newest BMX team ripper…

When, why and how did you get into riding in Brisbane?

I got into riding because when I was around 13 years old I was skateboarding with my two cousins and we thought we would see what the local dirt jumps where like. When we got down there, there were some really good riders and it was awesome to watch, so we started riding instead of skating that week. It just took off from there (haha)…

What riders did you have on rewind on your clips while you were learning and earning your pedals?

A few of the riders that I watched all the time were Corey Bohan, Mike Aitken, Mark Webb, and many. But they were definitely the 3 I watched the most growing up.

Jason Watts bmx australia pool

How did you get onto the pro circuit and sponsorship?

I got into the pro circuit and sponsors mostly though Colin Mackay, I’d say. He randomly hit me up one day, before I knew him personally, and gave me an invite to the very first Van Doren Invitational Bowl Contest at Huntington Beach. Everything sort of kicked off from there. He got me on Vans and Haro, which I’ll be forever thankful for!

What’s the biggest ball-ache about being goofy-footed?

Haha, the biggest ball-ache would be running pegs. At the start, every time I’d loop out a manual, my foot would hit the peg instead of the ground and I’d hit the ground harder because the peg is on your back foot.

Winning the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup last year must have been near the top of your stoke list in your career?

Winning the Vans BMX Pro Cup definitely is the Stoke of my career (haha)!
I was blown away to win two stops in one year. Then to top it off win it overall. I was absolutely pumped!

YouTube player

Are you still rocking the Walsh frame for 2020?

I’ll definitely be rocking the Walsh frame in 2020. I love the way it feels and looks. I don’t think I’ll be changing it for a long time.

What TSG kit are you going to ride this year?

I’ll be riding the TSG Dawn Flex because it feels unreal and comfy to ride in. And possibly the Ankle Guards when my ankles are busted and need to heal.

And what bit of protection would you not ride without?

The piece of kit I never ride without is my helmet. But if you’re out to learn new tricks or dropping something big or new I advise you to pad up. Getting hurt sucks!

TSG Dawn Flex Helmet Jason Watts

Jason’s new Dawn Flex helmet

What are your plans for 2020?

Plans for 2020 are definitely hitting all the stops of the Vans Pro Cup. Also, I’ll hopefully get invites back to XGames, as I missed it last year because of visa issues which are all sorted no.
I am also dropping a DVD part for Fast and Loose and working on a Cult video and much, much more…

Shout outs?

Shout outs to all the brands that support me and help me do what I can do on a bike.
TSG, Vans, Cult, Demolition, Backbone and Fast and Loose

Jason Watts bmx

If you want to know more about Jason watch his interview with Vital BMX. Discussing his unique riding style, living in a van, mastering nose manuals, surviving his crazy lifestyle, and much more!

YouTube player

Check out Jason’s Rider Profile or read the news about Jason signing with TSG.

new team rider

TSG signs Jason Watts

The BMX wonder from Down Under



TSG are pleased to announce the signing of Australian born BMX master and overall 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup winner, Jason Watts.

Welcome Jason

“We are over the moon to have Jason on our team,” says TSG’s CEO Ruedi Herger. “Few other BMX riders embody the lifestyle like Jason, and as one of the best transition riders in the world, he always shows an incredible amount of style alongside as his huge bag of tricks and creative lines!”

absolutely stoked

Jason Watts bmx

Stoked to be on the team.

As Ruedi says, no matter the arena Jason is always pushing the limits of what is possible on his Walsh frame. He is also widely praised in the BMX for flavouring his riding with a medley of heritage tricks, showing a knowledge, commitment and respect for BMX that few other riders have.

The BMX Wonder from Down Under

Jason’s democratic and dynamic style, and his propensity to go HUGE out of transitions, won him the overall crown at the 2019 Vans BMX Pro Cup, scoring what Jason describes as “the highpoint of his career so far”.

Jason Watts bmx australia pool

“I’m also absolutely stoked to be a part of the TSG team this year,” Jason effuses. “I can’t wait to work with the crew on new designs, photos and videos and of course have fun along the way”.

Jason will be strapping into the Dawn Flex helmet and the Ankle Support which will help keep him in one piece for the coming year of travelling and riding: “On his trips around the world he inspires all who watch him ripping bowls, parks and dirt,” signs off Ruedi. He is the perfect addition to the TSG Team!”

TSG Dawn Flex Helmet Jason Watts

Jason’s sticker job on his new Dawn Flex Helmet

If you want to catch up with Jason this year then watch out for his video parts with Fast and Loose and Cult video as well as news and views of his latest antics right here on

Check out Jason’s rider profile.

And follow him on instagram @wattzup

Learn more about Jason’s gear

Oscars 2020

Learning To Skateboard In A Warzone

Skateistan wins Best Documentary Oscar



Movie about Skateistan wins Oscar for Best Documentary.

And the Oscars go to…

Congratulation to Skateistan and Grain Media for winning this years Oscars for best documentary. 

We are super stoked that the movie about Skateistan won the 2020 Oscars for best documentary. Oliver Perkovich, the founder of Skateistan, has done an incredible job in Kabul. We are very grateful that we can support the girls in all Skateistan projects since 2008 with helmets and protectors.

When girls and women are empowered, they can achieve great things

Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You’re a Girl), is a short documentary which follows the progress of a group of girls at Skateistan in Kabul. Filmed over the course of a year, Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone follows the girls as they progress both in the classroom and the skatepark. The navigate not only the challenges of their education but of the increasingly unstable world outside the walls of Skateistan. 

learning to skate in a war zone skateistan girls on skateboard

The girls can’t wait to go skateboarding.

The film focuses on how Skateistan acts as a heaven from the outside world for its students. Within the walls of Skateistan, the girls are free to express themselves, learn without fear and to allow their personalities to shine. 

Learning to Skateboard In A Warzone

Oliver states about the movie: “ We see so many negative stories about Afghanistan and Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone is a story of real hope which can help to challenge perceptions. Here at Skateistan, we’re firm believers that when girls and women are empowered, they can achieve great things. That’s what is demonstrated so well in this film – the story of a group of girls who are defying expectations in Afghanistan, being told by an all-female film crew and getting the recognition it deserves.”

If you want to empower more girls like the ones in the film, please consider making a donation so they can continue their work. 

Read more about SKATEISTAN.

TSG Team Rider Interview

Shredding with Leilani Ettel

Dropping in to a new era of competition




TSG team rider Leilani Ettel has just graduated from high school and is about to drop in to a new life as a full-time pro snowboarder.


TSG team rider Leilani Ettel has just graduated from high school and is about to drop in to a new life as a full-time pro snowboarder. Find out about her board-riding roots in Munich; competitions and qualifying for the 2022 Olympics; and what her perfect day of riding would look like.

My whole family life circles around board sports

Leilani Ettel portrait

This photo of Leilani was taken in Zermatt when we shoot our 2020/21 collection.

We caught up with Leilani while she was competing in Colorado. She had just won 1st at the Futures Tour Comp and placed 10th in a World Cup comp. Not a bad start to her new era!

How long have you been snowboarding, surfing and skating?

I have been skateboarding since forever. I started surfing when I was 4, when I could swim properly. Snowboarding I started around 6, but still went skiing too. The first time I dropped into a pipe, aged 9, I started snowboarding for good.

Are your parents boardriders?

My whole family life circles around board sports. Both my mother and father skateboarded, surfed and snowboarded way back and still do. So when my little sister Kona and I came into the picture, they just kept doing what they loved and took us along.

Leilani Ettel and Family

The Ettel’s life is all around boards and travel.

Was Munich the perfect place to grow up loving Boardsports?

Probably yes, for living in Germany. Munich has some good skateparks, we’ve got standing waves, and the mountains are close by. The only better option might have been growing up in SoCal.

Leilani Ettel skateboarding bowl

Lani is also a rad skateboarder.

 When did you start competing as a snowboarder?

I kind of slipped into competition mode when I started riding at the Nebelhorn pipe. The week after was the first German Championships and friends told me to just enter the comp. It was one the most fun contests and I haven’t stopped since.

Leilani Ettel portrait snowboarder with helmet

Leilani at the JWM in Leysin 2019.

How have you been able to balance your schedule as a sponsored athlete with school? 

I know from the start I would only get days off school if my grades were good, so I basically just tried to soak everything in at school so I didn’t have to work too much in the afternoons or weekends. It got a little tough during my senior years, since I was also doing World Cups and was away quite a bit, but I still managed to finish very well.

Leilani Ettel at the WRT finals 2019

Flying high at the World Rookie Tour Finals 2019.

You are now finishing high school: What are your plans for further education and competing as a professional athlete?

I really haven’t yet made up my mind on what to study in the future. But since I want to focus on just snowboarding for a while it gives me a little time. I really enjoy riding without having to get back home in the afternoons and study for the rest of the day, so I am quite stoked on that!

What do you have to do to make the cut for 2022?

I guess be Top 20 by the end of season 2020/2021 and then probably some good World Cup placings to match German criteria. Not putting too much thought on that right now, as I just want to ride with a great crew, enjoy the moment, progress and make it happen.

Leilani Ettel Kitzsteinhorn halfpipe snowboard 2019

Preparing for the season at Kitzsteinhorn.

Out of all your results which one are you most stoked with and why? 

Placing 3rd in the Junior World Champs 2017 and 2019 and also placing 2nd at the World Rookie Finals 2019 are the obvious ones. But I actually got the most stoke out of placing 7th in the World Cup at Secret Garden, China, last December. I almost made it into finals.

Leilani Ettel Leysin Junior World Masters 2019 Halfpipe

Third at the JWM in Leysin last season.

Leilani Ettel Leysin Junior World Masters 2019 Halfpipe

In an ideal world where would you live and what would be your perfect day? 

It’s got to be in SoCal. Maybe surf Trestles in the morning, go to Banzai Bowls for breakfast afterwards, then head over to VANS Huntington to skate the Combi and then back for an evening glass off. A road trip to Mammoth would also be cool with a stop over at the Woodward ramp.

Is there any competitive spirit between you and your sister Kona when it comes to riding? 

Not really, since we are usually in separate age groups. It was awesome though when last year at German champs she beat everybody but me and we got to share the podium.

Leilani Ettel and Kona Ettel in Saas Fee photoshooting for TSG

Leilani with her sister during our season photo shooting in Saas Fee.

What TSG kit would you not be without when you go snowboarding? 

Obviously the helmet is the most important; the Lotus fits me perfectly. For back protection I wear the Women’s Backbone Vest; I love that it doesn’t slip around and is safe but still comfortable to wear. For knees and elbows I prefer the Arctic Knee 2nd Skin; it has just the right amount of cushion and doesn’t slip at all.

Leilani Ettel snowboarder with TSG Lotus Helmet and Goggle Amp

Leilani is ripping with the TSG Lotus Helmet paired with Goggle Amp and protecting her knees with the Arctic Knee 2nd Skins

Leilani Ettel uses the TSG Arctic Knee 2nd Skin A knee protector

What advice would you give to a snowboarder who wants to progress their riding this coming season with the hope of becoming pro?

You can only try out new and therefore riskier tricks if you feel as safe and protected as possible; there will always be bails involved. It really gives me the creeps if I see someone in the pipe without a helmet; couldn’t give it my all without mine. And, I rather not feel every bone hurting after a regular day in the pipe.

See you on the mountain!

Leilani Ettel in Snowpark Laax pipe

The pipe in Laax is Leilani’s second home.

Leilani Ettel portrait

See here Leilani’s choice of gear to stay safe



New Snowboard Team Rider

Welcome Markus Keller

Markus joins the TSG Family






We are stoked to announce that swiss snowboarder Markus Keller joins the TSG family as a new Global Team rider.

photos by Markus Rohrbacher – December 10th, 2019 

At the 2015 Burton European Open Markus Keller (a.k.a. Mä) took on the 6.9m halfpipe on an 183cm swallowtail and had a blast!

I. Markus’ favorite playground

He loves pipe

This little anecdote says a lot about Markus, one of the latest additions to the TSG team roster: He loves pipe and especially the Laax pipe. He understands pipe so much he can shred it on a board designed for powder. And, he loves snowboarding so much that the fun of sliding sideways far outweighs winning.

Having honed his riding skills at the Sportgymnasium, in Davos, where he was fondly referred to by staff as the “little rebel”, Mä chose to be liberal with the application of his PTex to snow, from the comp circuits of the FIS, ISF, TTR and Olympics to stellar parts on the silver and digital screens.

Markus Keller Portrait Snowboard Goggle

Markus Keller

II. Protected with TSG

But pipe remains one of Markus’ favourite playgrounds. His approach is that of an artist, applying style, control, passion and fun in equal measures to the super-tubes polished transitions. It you need proof of just how bloody good he is look no further than his part in “Tweakers”, a nuanced narrative of pipe riding which he made with fellow shred-dog Jan Scherrer.

More recently, Markus has immortalised his talent on film in “Contraddiction” – Elias Elhardt’s must-see examination of the state of snowboarding – as well as parts in “Vans Landline”, “Vans First Layer Switzerland”, “Laax: Tabula Lignea Salo” and “Learning by Doing: Spring in Laax”. Be sure to check ‘em out!

I am stoked to work with like-minded perfectionists

TSG is so stoked to have Markus shredding their gear and the feeling seems to be mutual: “I am stoked to work with like-minded perfectionists who support and protect what we like to do most,” Markus signs off.

Happy shredding!

Read more about Markus and his team mate Gig Rüf in our latest story:

Why Markus Keller and Gigi Rüf signed up to the TSG team


Markus’s Gear

Explore what products Markus is riding with.

Black Friday

Giving Friday instead of Black Friday

TSG raised  € 400 for skateiastan and skate-aid





Thanks to you we raised € 400 for children on our Giving Friday instead of Black Friday weekend campaign.

Giving Friday vs Black Friday

When we started thinking about this year’s Black Friday campaign, this whole bargain shopping day event didn’t feel right. Not that we don’t like to offer you a discount, but we don’t like this excessive consumption frenzy, especially now that we need to think about how to deal with our environment.

Together we raised 400 €

So we dropped Black Friday and decided for Giving Friday. Instead of offering a 10% discount, we donate 10% of the sales on from Nov 29- Dec 1 for our charity partner projects Skateistan and skate-aid (50/50).

Thanks to you, TSG managed to raise € 400 for children who don’t have the same chances in life as we do.


The Giving doesn’t stop

Would you like to support Skateistan or skate-aid? Have a look at their current campaigns

Afghan kids with skateboards Skateistan

safe to skate Skateistan giving friday kids skateboard

Skateistans current campaign Safe to Skate


Find out more about Skateistan and skate-aid 


Skateboarding for a brighter tomorrow

It was our team rider Renton Millar who introduced us to this fantastic project. Skateistan was founded by his Aussie compatriot Oliver Percovich, in 2007, and provides skateboard schools as well as skate parks in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa. The initiative aims to empower children and youth through skateboarding and education.


The pedagogic power of Skateboards

Skate-Aid supports kids in areas of conflict and deprivation by bringing skateboarding to their communities. In times of adversity, skateboarding provides unity, equality and a stable social environment. It enables kids to grow their self-confidence and self-worth and, most importantly, to enjoy good times.



Charging with TSG

Why Markus Keller and Gigi Rüf signed up to the team

Be prepared. Stay Sharp. Wear Protection 



Find out why two of Europe’s leading lights of snowboarding, Markus Keller and Gigi Rüf, chose TSG to keep them safe on the mountain. 

by Danny Burrow –  photos by Maksim Balakhovskii, Markus Rohrbacher, Dani Ammann and Solos Production

TSG is a leader in protective riding gear and for this reason and because of TSG’s illustrious heritage in boardsports Markus Keller and Gigi Rüf asked to join the TSG roster of pro riders and rock their kit. 


Taking The Fight to the Foe

Both Gigi and Markus have been rough riding on the vanguard of European snowboarding for nearly two decades and know a thing or two about style, going H.U.G.E and getting gnarly. 

they’ve got strategies to minimise risk

Gigi Ruef Snowboarder Freeride

Gigi surfing down fresh pow in Kamchatka, Russia. Photo: Maksim Balakhovskii

They are also all too familiar with the worst and best of snowboarding, from the glory of contest podiums and the big screen to the body-busting bails that shredding big mountains serves up. But they’ve got strategies to minimise risk.


Strategies to minimize risk

The first is to be prepared or in Gigi’s words, “don’t ride blind, read textures in the snow, avoid “no fall” zones above exposure and visualize your actions and all possible scenarios”. 

The second, according to Markus is to stay physically and mental sharp: “Can be biking, hiking, skating, surfing or tennis,” says Markus. “Plus being in the game for a while helps you to judge things”. 

Gigi Ruef Portrait

Gig and Markus both state that wearing protective gear is important.

 Markus Keller Portrait

And thirdly, which is why they both chose to hook up with TSG, wear kit that softens the blows: “In today’s commotion and pace on the slopes wearing protective kit is important,” says Gigi, who as well as his first aid kit, avalanche transceiver and backpack packs TSG crash pants, back protector and a helmet.

Gigi Ruef Portrait Snowboarder Helmet

Gigi wears the TSG Vertice helmet. Photo: Dani Ammann

Markus also sports a TSG helmet and TSG Goggles: “Jumps are getting bigger, tricks harder and the rails combinations gnarlier” he says, listing the reasons why he thinks protection is a must. 

Markus Keller Portrait Snowboard Goggle

Markus already tests the new TSG Goggle Four launching in season 2020. Photo: Markus Rohrbacher


Winter is on the Way

So, with their armour on and Europe’s contours softening with blankets of fresh snow, Gigi and Markus are setting out their lot for the coming season. Gigi has qualified for the Freeride World Tour, for the third year running and is “into the second year of filming for the Movie “Driven” which is going to be released Fall 2020”. You can catch up with Markus in a host of smaller projects on a screen near you and he will be releasing a bunch of edits with his sponsors over the winter months. 

prepare, stay fit and wear protection

TSG are stoked to keep Gigi and Markus safe in all their exploits and wishes you all a safe and shred-filled season of joy! 

STAY SAFE and in the words of Gigi and Markus “prepare, stay fit and wear protection!”

Gigi Ruef Snowboarder Freeride

Gigi Ruef showing his powder face


See here Markus’ and Gigi’s choice of gear to stay safe


or check out MARKUS KELLER and GIGI RUEF’S rider profiles

Still going big

Flying high with Gian Simmen

The Snow Family Work Balance



Gian Simmen is a legend in the field of sliding sideways and even though he may not ride professionally any more snowboarding remains the backbone of his being, from work and play to time spent with family. TSG are stoked to ride alongside Gian.


I. Take off

Gian was 19 when he turned pro and by 21 had the world’s first Olympic pipe medal around his neck and a display case brimming with championship trophies.

He continued shredding at the highest level into the early 0s, winning the ISF champs in 2001 and 2002, and retired in Davos, the resort where he began riding, 17 years after turning pro.

Gian in his home resort Grindelwald

But this was far from the end of snowboard for Gian. He applied his knowledge and experience to commentating for SRF TV, coaching at Swiss Olympic and mentoring children to a better future with the Laureus Foundation. He is now the Head of Snowpark in his home resort of Grindelwald, where he plans events, market etc, and in his own words “personally checks the quality of the park” – riding was never going to be far from the office. Check out his 18/19 edit to see how the management rips.

YouTube player

II. Flying High

As the Head of Snowpark Gian is conscious that as well as pushing the boundaries of riding parks need to be safe: “I think in general pushing the borders does not mean to build super crazy features, it means that everything is built good and safe, with take offs matching landings. And, for sure our parks need to fit all levels of riding”.

The Fly Helmet has a supreme fit and is feather-light, so you don’t even feel that you are wearing a helmet while riding.

Personal protection also plays a part in this equation of safety and personally he kits himself out with the TSG Fly Helmet, the lightest winter helmets on the hill, our super-wide vision Google 3s and Backbone Tank 2.0, made from lightweight and shock-absorbent ACF foam. We asked him if there was one piece of kit that he wouldn’t go without: “The Fly Helmet” he replied. “It has a supreme fit and is feather-light, so you don’t even feel that you are wearing a helmet while riding”.

TSG Fly helmet with Goggle Three – perfect combo


Gian Simmen Portrait

He also now has 4 boys under his wing, all of whom followed him onto the mountain at a young age, as well as getting into soccer, mountainbiking, breakdancing and hiking: “It is interesting to take my kids to the park because with them I see the set up in a different way” he says. “They choose different lines between the obstacles and of course it takes a lot of control from me that they’re not going to wild trying stuff that is out of their league”. It is funny how wearing the parent hat can give you a new perspective on the inherent dangers of shredding – not that he applies it to himself.

Gian Simmen snowboarding with his kids

Nothing can top a pipe run with your kids

snowboarding kid

Family time on snow


snowboarding kid

III. Landing

So what can we expect from Gian Simmen for the coming season? “I would like to hit some backcountry kickers again and hit some cliffs,” muses Gian. “For sure I will be out shredding with my family and with a filmer and photographer.” Watch out for the 19/20 edit, ‘cause Gian I still flying high!

Gian Simmen

Gian flies high! Absolutely!

Check out Gian’s Gear

And this is what his kids use to ride safely

Stay tuned with Gian Simmen, follow him on facebook



winter 19/20

New winter arrivals

Greater vision and more comfort




With the start of autumn we present you our product novelties for this snow sport season. This winter we provide greater vision with the new Goggle Three and more comfort with the Backbone Tank A 2.0.

Explore the new products.

I. Get the full view this winter with Goggle Three

The Goggle Three is the largest goggle in our collection, delivering super-wide vision from pipe to park and beyond. The oversized spherical two-layer lens gives distortion-free peripheral and horizontal vision, while an inner anti-fog treated CA lens ensures all-day clarity.

Hassle-free magnetic lens-changing

Winter 2019 Goggle Three from TSG. Ski Goggle and blue sky

Perfect view with Goggle Three

Our hassle-free magnetic lens-changing system allows for quick lenses swops so you can keep up with changing light conditions. An included spare low-light lens ensures adds contrast when the weather closes in. A total of eight magnets keep the lens bombproof in the frame. The goggle’s triple-layer, fleece-backed foam is both comfortable and wicks away sweat.

Changing the magnetic  lens of a ski goggle

Goggle Three features a Magnetic Interchange Lens System. Push the lens out from inside, insert a new lens, done. Quick and easy.

Changing the magnetic  lens of a ski goggle

The Goggle Three is compatible with all our adult-sized helmet models, so you don’t have to compromise on safety while scoring surround vision.

TSG Gravity ski helmet and snowboard helmet paired with Goggle Three. Non-gap fit

Absolute No-gap fit with our adult sized helmets. Goggle Three is here paired with the Gravity helmet.

TSG Gravity ski helmet and snowboard helmet paired with Goggle Three.  Non-gap fit

The Goggle Three will be available from winter 2019 in blackout with a green chrome and yellow lens.

Shop Goggle Three


II. The Backbone Tank A 2.0 combines protection with smart solution for the hydration bladder

The low-profile Backbone Tank A 2.0 delivers comprehensive and safe back coverage with the added bonus of a hydration bag compartment, plus tube routing and velcro fastening straps for secure storage.

back protector with compartment for water bladder

The water bag can be easily attached above the protective foam and the tube can be fixed through different loops according to preference.

Water bladder tube fixation in a back protector

III. CE certified protective foam

The back protector is made from TSG’s ACF foam which is both lightweight and highly shock-absorbent to protect against the worst of slams. The foam returns to its original form undamaged slam after slam. Two pads in the upper back extend the protective area of the vest without restricting mobility. The Backbone Tank A 2.0 meets the requirements of CE standard 1621-2.

TSG Backbone Tank A 2.0 rear view

Front and rear view of the Backbone Tank A 2.0.

TSG Backbone Tank A 2.0 front view

IV. Guaranteed wearing comfort

The ergonomic, conformable fit delivers premium security and comfort however hard you ride. 3D Mesh adds breathability for all-day ridablity and customizable, low-profile, padded shoulder straps guarantee that the Backbone Tank A 2.0 fits firmly and comfortably, even when worn under a rucksack.

TSG snowboard team sitting together with new winter 2019 gear

Iouri Podladtchikov wears the Backbone Tank A 2.0 during the team photo session.

There is also a velcro-sealed storage pocket in the waist belt and an additional open pouch on the back to store lift pass and other bits and bobs needed for sessioning the hill.

TSG Back protector Backbone Tank A 2.0 with storage solutionsTSG Back protector Backbone Tank A 2.0 with storage solutions

V. Extensive collection for all winter sports

TSG has a total of 12 helmet models in the 2019/2020 winter collection – including two women’s and three children’s models – allowing skiers and snowboarders to find the perfect head protection. As well as fit we have a wide range of colours to choose from, with muted colour blocks complemented by strikingly colourful detailing (straps, logos).

Gravity solid color line up winter 2019

Gravity Solid Color line-up

Eye-catchers include an orange-black colour block and the „stickerbomb“ overall print, consisting of different TSG logos. Small playful illustrations make unicoloured helmets more exciting.

Gravity graphic designs winter 2019

Gravity Graphic Design models for winter 2019. From left to right: cabin beige, sticker bomb, ripped stripes.

Explore all new Helmets, Goggles and protectors.