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TSG Saved My Life

rider testimonials

Read here the real stories of TSG customers that crashed but luckily were protected by a TSG helmet or TSG protective gear. 

TSG saved my life

Did you crash and your TSG helmet or protector saved you from serious injuries? You are invited to turn in your real story.  If your entry qualifies you will be rewarded with a 30% discount voucher for a new equivalent TSG product. The offer is valid for customers in the USA and Europe residing in the countries we ship to.

Scroll down or click to read how to apply for TSG saved my life.

Rider Down

Hannes' story

Mountain bike team rider Hannes Klausner had a crash that could have easily ended his career. In his TSG saved my life story he tells you why he wasn't knocked out totally.

Thank you TSG

Gerd's story

TSG team rider Gerd Skant tells his story about how TSG saved his life.

My helmet had done its job

Renton's story

TSG's Renton Millar tells you about his last major slam during a Madonna. Luckily his TSG Evolution helmet had done its job.

Huge crash at Winterberg

Matt had a huge crash at Winterberg and his TSG helmet and pads saved him from serious injury.

Young Rippers Need Full Face Protection Too!

Philip Metzler's story

Philipp went over the bars and onto his face but luckily he was wearing his TSG helmet.

Horrible Crash On Snow

Read Christian's story

Christian had a horrible crash on a snowboard last year. Thanks for sharing your TSG saved my life story.

I fell of the board at 60 kph

Read Joel's story

Joel took part at the Bela Joyride DH event in Austria when he fell of the board at 60 kph. Thanks for sharing your story.

Missed the Bars whilst Barspinning

Read Roland's Story

Roland was trying barspins on dirt and after an initial successful attempt he missed the bars and fell heavily.

One good smack on the ground

Read Blair's story

A mountain biking accident once put Blair Jones into a wheelchair. But that doesn't stop him from living an action-packed life. Read about his accident he had while being out skiing with friends.

I fell backwards onto my head

Read Jori's story

Jori tested the performance of the TSG Pass helmet pretty gnarly, when he was thrown off his downhill longboard.

How to take part?

TSG saved my life

Share your TSG saved my life story and receive a 30% discount for a new TSG product.